Hi, my name is
Sunil Patil.
I build things for the web.
Here's a refined version: "I'm a web developer and software engineer specializing in creating and designing exceptional digital experiences. Currently, I focus on building accessible, human-centered products at."Upstatement.
About Me
Hello! My name is Sunil Patil, and I love building things that make the web more dynamic and secure. My journey into web development began with a deep dive into the world of IoT, Cyber Security, and Blockchain Technology during my B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering.
Fast forward to today, I've honed my skills as a Full Stack Developer, working with a variety of technologies that power modern web applications. From developing interactive front-ends with React.js and Next.js to crafting efficient back-ends with Node.js, Express.js, and databases like MongoDB and MySQL, I thrive on turning ideas into functional, user-friendly digital experiences.
Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- React.js
- Next.js
- Express.js
- Node.js
- MongoDB

Some Things I’ve Built
Featured Project
Halcyon Theme
A minimal, dark blue theme for VS Code, Sublime Text, Atom, iTerm, and more. Available on Visual Studio Marketplace, Package Control, Atom Package Manager, and npm.
- VS Code
- Sublime Text
- Atom
- iTerm2
- Hyper
Featured Project
Spotify Profile
A web app for visualizing personalized Spotify data. View your top artists, top tracks, recently played tracks, and detailed audio information about each track. Create and save new playlists of recommended tracks based on your existing playlists and more.
- React
- Styled Components
- Express
- Spotify API
- Heroku
Featured Project
Build a Spotify Connected App
Having struggled with understanding how the Spotify OAuth flow works, I made the course I wish I could have had.
Unlike tutorials that only cover a few concepts and leave you with half-baked GitHub repositories, this course covers everything from explaining the principles of REST APIs to implementing Spotify's OAuth flow and fetching API data in a React app. By the end of the course, you’ll have an app deployed to the internet you can add to your portfolio.
- React
- Express
- Spotify API
- Styled Components
Other Noteworthy Projects
view the archiveIntegrating Algolia Search with WordPress Multisite
Building a custom multisite compatible WordPress plugin to build global search with Algolia
Time to Have More Fun
A single page web app for helping me choose where to travel, built with Next.js, Firebase, and Tailwind CSS
Building a Headless Mobile App CMS From Scratch
Find out how we built a custom headless CMS with Node, Express, and Firebase for a project at Upstatement
A nicer look at your GitHub profile and repo stats. Includes data visualizations of your top languages, starred repositories, and sort through your top repos by number of stars, forks, and size.
Google Keep Clone
A simple Google Keep clone built with Vue and Firebase.
Apple Music Embeddable Web Player Widget
Embeddable web player widget for Apple Music that lets users log in and listen to full song playback in the browser leveraging MusicKit.js. Read more about this project on 9to5Mac.
What’s Next?
Get In Touch
Although I’m not currently looking for any new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!
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